xx xx xx

28 September 2016

Happy Moments ♥ September

September has been a pretty busy month! Meeting friends, family gatherings, dinner dates with my boys and Noah hitting new milestones. Here are a few moments that has made me smile this month.. 

16 September 2016

The Gro Company Gro-Egg Room Thermometer

Who doesn't need a egg shape thermometer that also acts as a night light? This super cool thermometer has been a great feature for my baby's nursery. 

08 September 2016

10 Things I've Learn't Since Becoming a Parent

It has been over 300 days since I found out that I was going to be a mum. Over 300 days since I found out that my life was going to change forever. More than 300 days when R and I found out that we were going to be a family of 3.

27 August 2016

Changing Table Essentials

Dirty nappies are a given when you have a little human in your life. Poo poos and wee wees stay permanently in your vocabulary when you become a parent. You can't escape the challenge of nappy changing, but you can make it easier for yourself with the right set up and tools. Here are the essential must-have items needed for a successful nappy change.

08 August 2016

Jamberry Nails

I've never really been a girl that goes for manicures, mainly because I had one really, really god awful experience after getting my nails done at a salon a few years ago. Lets just say my nails have never been the same since. Anyways, learning from that said experienced, I've now resorted to keeping my nails as simple as possible, staying away from artificial manicures and keeping my nails as healthy as possible.

29 July 2016

Burts Bees Baby Bee

When it comes to lotions and potions, I'm a sucker for scented skin care, especially the sweet kind. I'm also a big fan of products that contain nothing but natural, organic ingredients.

13 July 2016

My Birth Story

Motherhood. You read so much on it, you hear so many stories from other mothers, yet when it comes down to it, it's a whole different ball game.

13 June 2016

London Eats | 10 Best Dishes In London

I love discovering new restaurants, cultural dishes and delicious foods. I'm a big foodie with an even bigger apetite. If there is a new restaurant on the block, then you'll guarantee that I'll be there, if a restaurant is trending on Instagram, then guess what? I'm there. Basically if there is a trail of yumminess leading to a food establishment, no doubt I'll be there when the door opens.

08 June 2016

A Letter To My Baby Boy

Dear Baby Boy,

I never knew it was possible to love someone that you haven't even met yet. Mummy & Daddy's heart is filled with unconditional love and we really can't wait until we meet you and see you grow up a healthy, happy and loveable little man. You are already everything that we hoped for and more. I can't begin to explain to you just how much we love you. Mummy can't wait to give you big sloppy kisses and loveable hugs everyday, because you, my first born, you are the love of my life.

05 June 2016

OOTD | Bumps & Stripes

Outfit Details:   
Dress: Uniqlo  //  Coat: Zara
Shoes: Topshop  //  Bag: Celine Trio

30 May 2016

London Eats | The Savoy Afternoon Tea

This year's birthday was spent with R indulging in afternoon tea in the most stunning 5 star setting. It is also a bitter sweet celebration, because not only have I joined the 30's club (say what?!), but it is also the last birthday spent as a two.

25 May 2016

5 Pregnancy Truths

Pregnancy is the gift of life. You're growing and nurturing a little human inside of you (a concept that still amazes me!). A human that is half of you and half of the person that you love. It is a miracle. It is exciting to create a life, to carry a life for a whole 9-months. 

18 May 2016

30 Things I Want To Do & See at Thirty

Today marks my 30th Birthday! I still can't believe I'm out of the 20's club and joining the 30's fun club. Time to start a new chapter in my life filled with fun memories and proud achievements that I can look back and say "I MADE THE BEST OF MY 30s"

14 May 2016

Topshop Summer Nails

I'm not a big fan of Topshop's makeup collection, but their nail varnishes are exception. Their colourful rage of nail varnishes is probably one of the best on the market. I picked up this gorgeous candy floss pink shade during a recent trip to TS. I wanted to pamper myself seeing as my nails have grown so fast in the last week or so thanks to the pregnancy hormones! I don't usually go for pink tones, but this shade is the perfect colour for summer.

20 April 2016

Baby FAQ

Since announcing my pregnancy, I've had a number of questions thrown at me from everyone on social media to friends and family. So I've decided it's time to put together a FAQ to answer all your questions =)

07 April 2016

New Chapter...

Just a quick update to let you all know that I will be back blogging soon and there will be a slight change in the content I will be publishing. What's the reason behind this? Well, if you follow me on Twitter and Instagram, then you'll probably have seen/read my exciting/personal news..

10 February 2016

Tokyo, Japan | Photo Diary

I'm finally back from my well deserved hiatus. You're probably wondering where I have been? Well to cut a long story short, I decided to take a long over due 2-months break from blogging and it was definitely the best decision that I made as it saw me spend more time with my friends and family over the festive period. It was a great little break to refresh my brain for 2016.